If you require immediate assistance, always call 911.
The Aiken Center provides Naloxone (brand name Narcan) free of charge, no questions asked. Come in M-F 8:30 am-5 pm to pick up a box of this life saving medication.
Naloxone is an FDA approved medication that can reverse the toxic effects of an opioid overdose. In South Carolina, naloxone is available from pharmacies and community distributors throughout the state without a prescription.
Since January 2018, the state’s county alcohol and drug abuse authorities, opioid treatment programs, recovery organizations – and other organizations that provide services to people who may have a substance use disorder – have distributed thousands of doses of naloxone to patients, caregivers, and community members through the Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution program.
Contact Information
Call 803-649-1900 to speak with one of our staff if you have any questions.